I've never seen a student want to give up when they kept training till it felt good. Usually, people lose motivation when they need to do more of the good things they need. One salad to someone who is used to a junk food diet will not feel good. One push-up for someone who is out of shape will not feel good. One difficult conversation for someone who is used to being walked over will not feel good. But if we keep moving toward growth, we know that one day, it will feel good.
Training is supposed to feel good. When we practice something new for the first time, we usually experience challenges, frustration, and discomfort. However, if we keep training, we eventually get to the point where doing more feels good. Whenever we practice a discipline that we need, it is essential not to let ourselves get discouraged. Whether we are doing our form or filling out tax forms (O.K. taxes may never feel good), we must keep going till it feels good.