There’s a total eclipse off the sun on Monday. But only for those who are in the right place at the right time. For everyone else, they will see that the sun is partially obscured, but the totality of the event will escape them. For people fortunate enough to be both in the path of the totality and have a view that is not obstructed, there will be a moment of magic when the Sun is completely shielded by the Moon. Some people will stay home, some people will go see. But there will not be another eclipse in North America for 20 years.
Whenever there is a special event, like a training or tournament, some people will stay home and some people will show up. The event may not turn out like you wished; clouds may obscure your view, or you may get knocked out in the first round. But if you keep showing up, one day, you will see the magic. You will have an experience that leaves you in wonder. And you will be inspired to make the next step in your journey. And when someone asks you what your inspiration is, you might think back to that special event or training and say, “You had to be there.”